Thursday, March 29

"photo friday"


...and also feet.

Other photo friday dyptichs here:
Amber and Julia


A M B E R said...

These are lovely, Manuela! I especially like the middle one with the hose--the circles all moving inward from both sides. The color combinations are also very nice.

I sense that you like to shoot down too--a habit of mine--so next week's theme may be interesting. When I went out to pick up my son from PreK today I kept trying to shoot upwards and found it very hard.

Julia said...

These are great, Manuela. I like that the first one is very warm, which is unexpected when the theme is shadow. I always liked that one of the feet in the shower and now especially as a diptych. The others are also great. There is something really nice about the lines of the hose.

Jenny Schroedel said...

Beautiful, Manuela, I love the feet!