Tuesday, May 21

I think I am back...

I am getting more courageous about asking people whether I can take photos of them.
The woman in the picture is a teacher at Lukas's school and I thought about asking her for months whether I could take some photos of her.
A couple weeks ago I finally did it. I walked up to her and said:"Would you like to be my model for a photo shoot?"
She said:"I would love to."



karine leger said...

good to see you back, Manuela !

Evelina said...

I believe now you can ask every single teacher in Luka's school, having seen the pictures they surely all secretly want to be asked! :)
The first picture is my favorite one. Actually, they are all calm and beautiful but the one with the mirror which looks scary... I guess a mirror is always alienating to the image of the self.
I'm happy you're back so soon! And congrats for the picture in the book, I wish you a book on your own some time soon :)!