The first one captures the thing I observed about evening light while taking photos for the theme this week: that it is tricky and elusive. Here it looks like it is sneaking around behind and through the tree and might disappear at any moment. I like it. I also really like the one of the light hitting and warming up the arms, but leaving the rest of the body in shadow.
As usual, such nice photos. I like the 2nd and the 3rd best--and they look nice next to each other too--the one of the street captures what I think of when I think of evening light. I like also how the hands are crossed, as though there is nothing to do but sit and rest.
The first one captures the thing I observed about evening light while taking photos for the theme this week: that it is tricky and elusive. Here it looks like it is sneaking around behind and through the tree and might disappear at any moment. I like it. I also really like the one of the light hitting and warming up the arms, but leaving the rest of the body in shadow.
As usual, such nice photos. I like the 2nd and the 3rd best--and they look nice next to each other too--the one of the street captures what I think of when I think of evening light. I like also how the hands are crossed, as though there is nothing to do but sit and rest.
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